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Naserian Holiday Homes

Laikipia Laikipia


Bungalow Houses for sale Laikipia Laikipia - 0
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Bungalow Houses for sale Laikipia Laikipia - 1
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Bungalow Houses for sale Laikipia Laikipia - 2
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Bungalow Houses for sale Laikipia Laikipia - 0
Bungalow Houses for sale Laikipia Laikipia - 1
Bungalow Houses for sale Laikipia Laikipia - 2

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Key Features

icon Added 26 Feb 2024

Full Description

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Nestled in the most relaxing, peaceful and with spectacular scenic views of Mt Kenya, Lolldaiga hills and Aberdare Ranges, Naserian Holiday Homes comprise of luxurious 3 bedrooms bungalows with a rooftop relaxing gazebo.
Anchored on a world-class resort with state of the art facilities offering the perfect get away for relaxation and bonding with loved ones.

Stay in luxury with all the comforts of home away from home. Go swimming at our club house, cycling in the estate cycling track, play outdoor and indoor games and enjoy safari game drives at the nearby Ol-Pejeta Conservancy.
We’re offering you a rare opportunity to escape from the busy life to a life that you’ve long craved to live of happiness, joy, comfort and luxury.



Commercial complex

Spa, Salon and Gym

Swimming pool

Conference facilities

Basketball, Tennis and badminton court

Outdoor gardens

Kids play area

Jogging track

Rooftop Relaxing Gazebo

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