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213 m² commercial office

Langata Nairobi


Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 0
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Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 1
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Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 2
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Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 3
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Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 0
Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 1
Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 2
Office Space Commercial Properties for rent Langata Nairobi - 3

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icon Added 24 Jun 2024

Full Description

Located along Langata road, in Wilson Airport, this space is easily accessible by both public and private means.
The building offers rectangular spaces that can be easily designed to maximize space utility.
The building also provides a warehouse for storage that can be rented out.

Property Details;
Size: 2,300 Square Feet
Rent - Preferred in USD @ 1.48 per square foot inclusive of Service charge

Rate exclusive of V.A.T

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